Barry M. Goldwater Range/Cabeza Prieta NWR, AZ   A special permit is needed to visit this area in southwestern Arizona. If you like solitude, rugged desert hiking and camping, this is a great place. The permit procedures have been revised in 1999 and the regulations and forms have been reproduced here. The forms here are all you need to get a permit. Print out and read 1. then print out 2. and send one in for each person in your group with an S.A.S.E.  After receiving permits call 1(877) 226-7010 for authorization for your trip. Print out 3, 4, 5, and 6 to acquaint yourself with Range regulations. Note: a four-wheel drive vehicle is required to visit. New for 2014: Send in a photocopy of your driver's license for signature verification.

1. Obtaining a Range permit. One page form letter that tells you what to do to get a permit.

2. Hold harmless agreement needed to enter the Refuge. Fill out this form and send in for permit good for one year. This document should be printed double-sided on one sheet of paper. Send in after all spaces have been filled out to receive a permit number. (Note: this document is in Adobe Acrobat form)

3. Common questions. One page note with answers to basic questions about the Ranges.

4. Where to obtain permits. A list of the five agencies where you can get a permit.

5. Visitor and Use Regulations for Cabeza Prieta NWR.

6. El Camino del Diablo Guide. Two page brochure with map and mileages.

7. Camino del Diablo Brochure.  An older pamphlet on the historic trail through Cabeza Prieta area.

8. Charlie Bell Pass Trail Guide.

9. Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Map. A color map showing seasonal closures.


Historical articles relating to Cabeza Prieta and the Camino del Diablo from
Desert Magazine. Note: These are also pdf files requiring Acrobat Reader.

1. April 1940, "Watering Place on the Devil's Highway" by Randall Henderson.

2. January 1951, "We Found a Way into Elegante" by Randall Henderson.

3. May 1964, "Exploring La Cabeza Prieta" by Norman Simmons.

A-10 Crash Ruled a Suicide, article from Aviation Week & Space Technology, Nov. 3, 1997

"Cooperative Cleanup in Desert Wilderness" by Tom Buckley and Sid Slone, From Refuge Update, January/February, 2013. Article describes recent efforts removing 31 abandoned vehicles from the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge.